My brother Chris is a U.S. military officer. A West Point and Brown University graduate, he’s a hard working “achiever” in every sense of the word. He cares deeply about everything he does. He’s the type of guy that makes the world a better place. Although he has more academic and military achievements than I can recite, he would never mention them publicly. Chris is a man of honesty, integrity and humbleness. He’s also a dedicated husband and father. My brother lives a full life – one that comes from confident Christian faith. He loves the Lord like no one I have ever known. In fact, the relationship Chris shares with Jesus Christ is what first made Christianity appealing to me so many years ago.
When I was in my early 20s, I was “livin’ in the world” and far from God. I remember wondering why someone so accomplished as Chris would feel the “need” for a relationship with God. I mean, my personal life experiences (at that point), had taught me that life is what you (alone) make of it and God’s involvement was seemingly…passive. Besides Chris, I really didn’t know any Christians. One day, I asked Chris about it. He told that while he indeed “needed” a savior, he also “wanted” a close and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. His direct answer and well-thought perspectives were intriguing. That conversation between me and my brother continued for months. Whenever we had the chance to talk about it, we did. We talked for hours and hours over endless cups of coffee. We talked while working out together or simply hanging out on weekends. Ultimately, our conversation was life changing for me – it was one that eventually found me getting baptized in a vibrant Christian church in North Carolina. Looking back, those were the sweetest of times!
Over the years, Chris has been an incredible mentor to me. I’m endlessly thankful for him and his deep influence in my life. He’s one of the few men I know that consistently talk the talk, and walk the walk. I couldn’t ask for a better mentor or brother.
On Agust 21, 2012 Chris deployed overseas. This assignment marks his third combat tour. Despite the rigor and dangers, I know this assignment is God’s plan for Chris. While I don’t know any of the details, I do know that God has very specific objectives for Chris during this deployment. Selfishly, I still worry about him a great deal. Conversely, Chris told me that he has “much peace” with this deployment. This doesn’t mean that my brother is without fear or concern, it simply means that he trusts God’s plan for his life – regardless.
The image at the top of this post is the U.S. Service Flag. For those unaware of its origin and history, I offer the following:
The United States Service Flag is an official banner that family members of service personnel can display. The flag or banner is defined as a white field with a red border, with a blue star for each family member serving in the Armed Forces of the United States during any period of war or hostilities in which the Armed Forces of the United States are engaged. A gold star (with a blue edge) represents a family member that died during service.
The banner was designed in 1917 by United States Army Captain Robert L. Queisser of the Fifth Ohio Infantry, in honor of his two sons who were serving in World War I. It was quickly adopted by the public and by government officials. On September 24, 1917, an Ohio congressman read into the Congressional Record: “The mayor of Cleveland, the Chamber of Commerce and the Governor of Ohio have adopted this service flag. The world should know of those who give so much for liberty. The dearest thing in all the world to a father and mother – their children.”
August 2012
August 21: Chris arrived at his new station. I thank God for delivering my brother safely and entrusting him with this important mission.
August 22: Today, I’m praying for in-briefing operations and a seamless transition. I know this week will be hard on Chris and his family. I’m praying for them by name.
August 23: Praying for provisions for Chris. Specifically, that he will have the physical provisions needed for this deployment.
August 24: Praying the God will provide Chris with enough rest – international transitions can be physically and emotionally draining.
August 25: Prayed for Chris’ general protection and strength.
August 26: Being that this is the first Sunday in Afghanistan, I’m praying that Chris has the opportunity to attend church services and worship freely.
August 27:Today, I prayed that Chris would begin to form strong bonds and effective relationships with those he will work with.
August 28:Today, approximately one week into his deployment, I prayed that the “reality” of this deployment would not overwhelm Chris as he settles in and begins to focus on the road ahead.
August 29:Prayed that God would continue to protect Chris and keep him safe.
August 30: Praying that god would give Chris focus and concentration
August 31: Prayed that God would enable Chris to significantly impact the lives of other soldiers and be a strong witness to God’s goodness (in all situations).
September 2012
September 1: Today I prayed that Chris would gain momentum and efficiencies in his operations.
September 2: Today’s prayer is that Chris would continually find favor in the eyes of God.
September 3: Today I pray that God would bless my brother with exceptional health and energy.
September 4: Today’s prayer is that each of my brother’s family members would grow through this experience. Specifically, that each of us would have a greater understanding of (and appreciation for) our dependency upon a sovereign God.
September 5: Today I prayed that Chris would know how much he is loved (by us and God)!!!
September 6: I’m praying for equipment and other critical logistics required for success.
September 7: I received a short email from Chris. While most of us now take email for granted, today I’m thanking God for opening lines of communication and allowing me to “hear” from Chris. It’s a real luxury for me…
September 8: I’m not sure how much down time Chris receives, but I’m praying he receives adequate rest.
September 9: Chris told me “he’s learning a lot and that it’s an incredible time to be in country…” I’m both thankful and humbled by his attitude and perspective. Instead of focusing on the difficult aspects of this assignment (of which there are many), he’s simply thankful that God has entrusted him with this assignment. I believe this attitude allows him to see so much more of God’s plan in his life.
September 10: Clarity! Today’s prayer is that clarity will be evident in all that my brother is involved with.
September 11: I’m praying for the local population. Specifically, that my brother’s endeavors will have a lasting, positive impact upon the existing locals and future generations to come.
September 12: I’m certain my brother is encountering new scenarios and challenges (perhaps daily). We all have our comfort zones and things that make us feel stretched. I’m praying that God will give Chris whatever it is he needs to meet the challenges on the road before him.
September 13, 2012: I’m very fortunate in that I work with some of the best leaders I have ever known. Their influence in my life is unquestionable. Through them, I have learned more than I ever thought possible. I’m thankful for them and the way they lead. Today’s prayer is that God will empower my brother to be an incredible leader to those he has influence upon.
September 14: It’s 102 degrees in my town today! This intense heat has made me consider the weather surrounding my brother. Rain or shine, hot or cold, I’m praying that God will provide shelter for my brother.
September 15: The headline news today reported two American servicemen were murdered by insurgent forces. Of course, my thoughts immediately went to my brother. I immediately prayed for him, but I was left wondering. A few hours later, I received a very short email from Chris. Answered prayers = instant relief. I now know Chris is safe (for the moment). My prayers turn to the family members of those killed and the terrible news they will soon receive.
September 16: Today is Sunday. If Chris were home, he would have attended church with his family and then spent the day with them. I’m praying that his “presence” will still be felt by those that know and love him.
September 17: There are so many people praying for Chris – friends, family and colleagues. Today, I’m praying for them as I am so very thankful for them. James 5: The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
September 18: I received a short email from Chris this morning. Specifically, he asked for prayer in the following areas: servant leadership, that the Lord would build this house, the success of our campaign, the plans, team cohesion, morale, productivity, stamina, focus and balance. You got it my brother!
September 19: Today’s prayer is that God would lead me into transparent prayer and awareness of my brother’s needs. Let my prayers be accurate and effective.
September 20: I’m praying that our country continues to fully support our service men and women.
September 21: I sent my first care package to Chris today (coffee, food, etc.). I was told that 4 week delivery times are typical. I’m praying the package arrives safely. Small things like good coffee make a huge difference when you’re far from home.
September 22: I’m praying for unsaved soldiers. Among other responsibilities, I’m praying Chris will have an incredible impact upon the unsaved in his area of influence.
September 23: For most of us, the weather is something we don’t spend too much time analyzing. For military personnel it can be critical. Today’s prayer is for mild weather.
September 24: So my brother has been gone for a little over a month now. The reality of a long term deployment is settling in for everyone. I’m praying for unity, courage, determination and increased trust in the Lord’s plans.
September 25: Oddly, today I drew a partial blank about what to pray for. However, I know God knows the exact needs of Chris so I turned it over to Him and asked that every provision would be provided to Chris.
September 26: Plans – today’s prayer is all about plans and how God is the authoritative author of our days (even those that go in directions we didn’t expect).
September 27: I was on Facebook today and saw some postings from Chris’ son. I was happy to see that he was living life and seemed to be coping well with the absence of his father.
September 28: Today, I heard from Chris (via email) and the package I sent on the 21st arrived safely. Praising God for answered prayer regarding that!
September 29: Conviction! Today, I’m made aware of how deliberate I must be in order to pray for Chris regularly. I’m humbled because I know Chris has probably prayed for me almost every day for many, many, many years.
September 30: It’s Sunday. I pray that Chris has the opportunity to slow down and acknowledge the weekend. Having time to let one’s brain disengage for a while is critically important for physical and mental health. As someone who has spent time in a combat zone, I know this “luxury” isn’t always possible.
October 2012
October 1: Today, I’m just thankful for so many friends and family that have committed to praying for Chris. Several times in the past few days, I have been approached by friends and family asking about Chris. I know their prayers are effective and I’m so very thankful for them.
October 2: I woke up with a headache today. Went to the medicine cabinet and got some aspirin and laid back down until the headache was gone. It dawned upon me that Chris might not have such flexibility if/when he’s not feeling 100%. I’m praying that God gives Chris incredible health the entire time he’s away from home.
October 3: Today, I’m praying for financial protection for Chris and his family.
October 4: Chris has a wife and children. They live far from me. In the event they would need something while Chris is gone (car repair, home repair, etc.), I’m praying God will provide ample resources to cover their needs.
October 5: Overseas deployments can be very hard on a marriage. I’m praying God will strengthen Chris and his wife so their marriage will remain rock solid.
October 6: Today’s prayer is that God will give me a sense of how to best pray for Chris in the coming weeks.
October 7: Praying that Chris’ spirits will remain high. So far, so good!
October 8: Today’s prayer is that communication lines between Chris and I will remain open.
October 9: Praying that God will provide in all areas of Chris’ life (personal, spiritual, financial, professional).
October 10: As I continue to hear about unrest abroad, I’m praying for God’s peace in my heart.
October 11: As the weeks roll by, I continue to think about Chris’ kids and the toll a deployment can take upon children. Praying for them today…
October 12: As I prepare for an upcoming trip, I’m reminded about the complications associated with the logistics of traveling and being away from home. I’m thankful our service men/women are willing to deal with such burdens daily.
October 13: While I sleep tonight, I’m thankful for the service men/women who stand awake – protecting our country. May God bless them all.
October 14: I realize there is so much I don’ know and much that I take for granted (daily). I’m thankful for God’s continual control over all things.
October 15: I confess I don’t understand God’s “big picture” for the deployment my brother is involved with, but I do know that somehow, it serves God’s plan and somehow, Chris’ family will benefit from it. None the less there’s an immediate toll. I’m praying for God’s grace.
October 16: Today I miss my brother and hope he is well. I pray he knows I’m thinking of him.
October 17: Not only did my brother graduate from West Point, he later returned there to teach history. While he was teaching there, I had the opportunity to visit him. It was a fascinating experience for me. West Point is prestigious in every regard. It’s a place that defies description. You have to see it to truly experience it. Today, I had the opportunity to re-vist West Point. It brought back so many memories. Just being there made me feel closer to Chris. I’m thankful for this experience and the feelings it brought. God is good.
October 18: I’m traveling on the east coast for a few weeks and have noticed many signs of U.S. patriotism (flags, banners, etc.). I’m thankful our society is free to openly support our military and a belief in our awesome God.
October 19: Today I’m reminded of how much Chris has impacted my life. I thank God for him!
October 20: This evening I had the opportunity to dine at a really nice restaurant. I’m grateful and praying Chris has enough to eat on a regular basis.
October 21: Again, I’m reminded of Chris’ children. I’m praying for them and their emotional development while Chris is away.
October 22: Today’s prayer is that I get to visit with Chris shortly after his return to the U.S. – whenever that happens to be.
October 23: I visited the 9-11 memorial in New York today. I’m praying for the families of those who lost their lives and our brave military personnel who defend our country against such horrible things.
October 24: I know West Point helped shape my brother’s life and make him the man he is today. I’m praying for West Point, the staff and all 4,000 cadets attending there.
October 25: I realize how fast life can change and how fast life can come to an end. I’m praying for my brother’s longevity.
October 26: Sometimes life is hard – real hard. It’s easy to lose perspective and grounding. I’m praying for my brother’s continued positive perspective and firm grasp of what he knows to be true!
OCtober 27: Again, I’m praying for all those my brother will come into contact with. May he enhance their lives and be a blessing to them.
October 28: It seems funny to be praying that my brother would continue to learn through his deployment. It almost seems like it’s a given thing… However, more than just learning anything, I’m praying my brother will learn the specific things God has in store for him.
October 29: Sleep and rest. This is today’s prayer for Chris. I’m praying he’ll get enough of both.
October 30: Today’s prayer is that my brother would be filled with a spirit of happiness as he remembers who he’s actually serving!
October 31: Halloween – not a real important “holiday” to me, but I’m praying that today brings some light heartedness to my brother and those around him.
November 2012
November 1: I dropped another care package for Chris into the mail today. I’m praying that it makes its way to Chris post haste!
November 2: I haven’t heard much in the news lately about overseas operations. The upcoming presidential elections have consumed all media coverage. I’m praying for continued strong public support for our military.
November 3: Today, I’m praying that there would be supernatural cohesion among Chris’ team. It’s not always easy to get along in a group environment. This is especially true when there’s considerable pressure on the team. I’m praying for God’s peace upon all of them.
November 4: Today, I’m praying for the family members of our deployed service personnel. I’m praying that they would have peace and be drawn closer to God during this process.
November 5: Provisions. I’m praying that Chris would have all the provisions he needs to continue serving/leading in ways that would be honoring to God.
November 6: Election day! Praying for politicians that will help restore this great country to its full potential.
November 7: While I’m (personally) disappointed about the outcome of the presidential election, I need to continue to pray for all of our elected officials.
November 8: I heard from Chris today. He has asked me to pray for a major briefing today. Praying that all goes well.
November 9: I still don’t know if the care package I shipped on November 1st arrived or not. I’m praying that it arrives safely and that the contents would be a blessing for Chris and all those he shares it with. Chris always shares his things with others. I’m grateful for his compassionate heart.
November 10: Praying that God will protect Chris from spiritual attacks.
November 11: Got an email from Chris today. The package I mailed on November 1st arrived safely. Praising God for delivering this safely to Chris. I know Chris plans on sharing the contents with the others in his office.
November 12: Praying for the unsaved within the U.S. military.
November 13: Praying the Chris will find spiritual companionship within his area. Specifically, I’m praying that God will put other Christian men around Chris. May they all serve one another as they serve God.
November 14: In light of all that’s going on with some of the top brass within the government and military, today’s prayer is for our military leadership. May they seek to serve with humbleness and integrity.
November 15: Just sent an email to my brother. Still amazes me that he’s so far away, yet I can communicate with him almost effortlessly. Praising God for technology that helps keep family ties strong.
November 16: Today’s prayer is that all briefings and interactions will go professionally.
November 17: I’m praying that unexpected surprises and blessings will come upon my brother.
November 18: Today’s prayer is for me. I’m praying that I would pray appropriately and seek God’s will in my prayers for Chris.
November 19: Praying for extended family members. May they be drawn closer to God (and each other) through this deployment.
November 20: I’m praying that Chris would never feel isolated or far removed from those that love him.
November 21: Today’s prayer is that Chris’ military career would flourish and that he would make positive changes in all areas of his areas of influence.
November 22: I’m praying that Chris would have full confidence in his decisions and mission.
November 23: As the Christmas season approaches, I know the thought of being away from home is difficult to deal with. I’m praying for Chris in this area.
November 24: We’re now about two long months into this deployment. I’m praying for excellent physical and mental endurance for Chris.
November 25: I know Chris cares deeply about the things he’s involved with. May he feel a deep sense of reward and accomplishment as he serves overseas.
November 26: Once again praying for Chris’ children. May they be both strengthened and sharpened through this process.
November 27: Praying for the marriage of Chris and his wife. May it be protected and even strengthened through this process.
November 28: Today I’m praying for security for Chris and his team. May God protect them and keep them safe.
November 29: I received an email from Chris asking me to pray for his friend Mike who is serving with him. Chris wasn’t specific about needs, so today’s prayer is simply that God would bless, protect and empower Mike.
November 30: Praying for family support for Chris. May he be covered in prayer and outward support for the entire duration of his deployment.
December 2012
December 1: As winter sets in, I’m praying that God will provide shelter for Chris. Praying that Chris will always have a warm, safe place to rest when he needs it.
December 2: I’m praying that Chris will be fed (spiritually) and that his longing for God will increase daily.
December 3: In the midst of serving as a professional soldier in an uneasy environment, I’m praying that Chris is surrounded by those he considers friends.
December 4: Today’s prayer is that Chris will be free to openly worship his Lord and Savior – Jesus Christ.
December 5: Some of West Point’s core values, including Christianity, have been challenged lately. I’m praying God will sustain and even magnifiy His presence at the United States Military Academy.
December 6: I haven’t heard from Chris in several days. I’m praying he is alive and well.
December 7: I’m praying quite simply that God will continue to reveal the best way for me to pray for Chris.
December 8: My heart and prayers goes out to all cadets currently serving at the United States Military Academy (West Point). My they be encouraged to serve and protect our country faithfully.
December 9: I’m praying that God will continue to bless Chris’ career and family through these very long months.
December 10: Just left a message for Chris’ wife. I’m praying I will be able to touch base with her and see if she has any updated news.
December 11: I spoke to Chris’ wife yesterday. She and the kids are doing well and dealing with things day by day. I’m thanking God for their unified resolve.
December 12: Today I’m praying for Chris’ son. I’m praying that he is able to develop and mature through his father’s deployment.
December 13: I’m thankful for Chris’ heart and willingness to serve our country and even put his life in jeopardy for our freedoms.
December 14: Today’s prayer is that the true meaning (and spirit) of Christmas is known to all our service men and women.
December 15: Another care package was dropped in the mail today. I’m praying this package arrives safely before Christmas.
December 16: Today’s prayer is for all our military leaders. May the lead with integrity and courage.
December 17: I’m praying again that Chris will continue to have peace in his heart about the mission given to him.
December 18: I’m praying for Chris’ home. May God protect my brother’s home while he is away.
December 19: Today’s prayer os for all those who support our military. May God give them strength and resolve to remain faithful and optimistic.
December 20: May God place a special conviction of enduring support for our military within the heart of our government.
December 21: Praying for Chris’ family. May peace be with them this Christmas season. May they feel a closeness to Chris even though he is away from home.
December 22: I’m praying that Chris will get to connect with his family sometime before Christmas.
December 23: If there are needs in Chris’ life, may God provide in ways that only He can.
December 24: I heard from Chris today. He received the care package we mailed on December 15th. God is good!
December 25: May Chris and all our service personnel have a very safe and blessed Christmas.
December 26: Praying again for our military personnel. May their spirits remain high during this holiday season.
December 27: I know my brother is incredibly busy at this point. I’m praying that he will have time to remain focused on God and keep priorities straight.
December 28: I’m praying that there will be some down-time for our military personnel. May they have some much needed rest and rejuvenation.
December 29: Today’s prayer is that our great nation will continue to support our men and women serving in the Armed Forces.
December 30: Safety! Today’s prayer is that God will keep Chris safe today.
December 31: New Years eve – may it be a safe one for our military.
January 2013
January 1: May the new year bring a renewed commitment to our military mission and resolve for democracy and justice in the world.
January 2: With a new year at hand, may Chris remain focused and prepared for the mission at hand.
January 3: Praying for Chris’ team – may they all remain safe!
January 4: I’m praying every need will be met for Chris and his team.
January 5: Praying that Chris will be able to maximize any/all opportunities God puts in his path.
January 6: Today I’m praying that Chris will be absolutely confident in every decision he makes – big and small.
January 7 – 27: I just learned that Chris was able to come back to the states for a brief visit. I’m praying he will have an incredible time of rest and get to spend time with those that love him dearly.
January 28: Chris has returned to his overseas assignment. I’m praying for a smooth transition back into the swing of things.
January 29: Praying for family members who are once again separated from Chris.
January 30: Today’s prayer is for logistics. I’m thankful God is such a great provider.
January 31: Praying for team cohesion and unity.
February 2013
February 1: Today’s prayer is for Chris to be mentally focused on the mission at hand.
February 2: Today’s prayer is for enhanced communication between Chris and his entire family.
February 3: Just got word that Chris will be promoted soon. Praising God for blessing Chris with such an awesome career.
February 4: I’m praying that technology will enable me to take part in the upcoming promotion ceremony.
February 5: Although I wasn’t able to see Chris’ promotion, his wife was able to watch via remote connection. I’m thankful for that.
February 6: Along with a promotion comes increased responsibility. I’m praying for Chris in this area. May he continue to be a true servant leader.
February 7: A lot has happened (for Chris) in the past few weeks. He has returned to his overseas assignment and received a promotion. I’m praying for the continued transition (mental, physical, etc.) he must be going through.
February 8: Today’s prayer is the Chris would simply have a blessed day.
February 9: Praying for Chris’ son. I’m certain the long months away from his father wear on his endurance. May God protect and mature him through this.
February 10: I’m praying Chris has the opportunity to attend regular worship services or fellowship with other believers.
February 11: I just heard from Chris. He informed me the promotion ceremony went extremely well. A ceremonial DVD is in the works. Awesome!
February 12: Today’s prayer is for all those just entering the military. May God be with them as they transition from civilian to military.
February 13: Praying for families of military personnel. They carry a tremendous burden even in times of peace.
February 14: Being Valentine’s day, I thought it appropriate to pray for Chris’ marriage.
February 15: Today’s prayer is for all vendors that manufacture military supplies and equipment. May they strive to provide the best products available.
February 16: Being deployed can be an all consuming affair. I’m praying for balance in Chris’ life.
February 18: Today’s prayer is for God’s protection over Chris and the people who work with him.
February 19: Once again praying for Chris’ home and family. May God watch over them while Chris is away.
February 20: As a believer in Jesus Christ, Chris has influenced hundreds if not thousands of people. Today’s prayer is for them. May they draw ever closer to God.
February 21: Praying that God will continue to have Chris find favor with those he reports to.
February 22: “Stay alert, stay alive” is a common military phrase. Today I’m praying that Chris will remain sharp and focused.
February 23: Today’s prayer is for Chris’ son. May he continue to grow and mature into a solid leader (just like his father).
February 24: Today’s prayer is for our all of our military leaders. May they lead with wisdom, honesty and integrity.
February 25: I’m praying for the families of all deployed service personnel. May God comfort them while their family members are away.
February 26: Today’s prayer is for the senior staff of our military commands.
February 27: Again, I’m praying for mild weather as it plays such a key role in military operations.
February 28: Praying for all those who regularly pray for Chris.
March 2013
March 1: I know Chris is where God wants him to be today. For that, I’m most thankful.
March 2: I haven’t heard from Chris in a while. My thoughts and prayers (for safety and comfort) are with him.
March 3: It’s increasingly rare to hear anything about the military in the news these days. May our support for our troops remain ever strong.
March 4: I’m praying I get to see Chris sometime soon. It would be so awesome to spend time together.
March 5: Today’s prayer is for Chris’ entire family. May God protect them from the strain often brought on by long separations.
March 6: Had an intense dream that involved Chris. I woke up and immediately sent him an email. I’m hoping he’s ok.
March 7: I still haven’t heard from Chris. I’m starting to worry a bit…
March 8: I called Chris’ wife to see if she has heard anything. Got voicemail. I’m praying all is well.
March 9: Received an email from Chris. He’s alive and well, albeit extremely busy. Thank God!
March 10: Got a call from Chris’ wife. She confirmed that all is well. Had a chance to catch up on things. I’m very grateful for our call.
March 11: Today’s thoughts are those of thanksgiving for all God has done through this process. It has been a season of growth and development.
March 12: Today’s prayer for Chris has to do with his future duty assignment. May it be one of a slower pace!
March 13: My thoughts today are those of gratefulness for all Chris has done for me over the years.
March 14: Things have gone remarkably well on this deployment. I’m thankful for God’s blessings upon Chris.
March 15: Today’s prayer is for Chris’ children. May they continue to learn and mature through this process.
March 16: Over the next several weeks, Chris will be traveling extensively in order to participate in critical briefings. May his travels be safe and comfortable!
March 17: Today’s prayer is that Chris will be able to attend church services.
March 18: I’m praying for Chris’ briefings today. May they provide focus, significance and high value to those in attendance.
March 19: More briefings for Chris today. May God provide him with excellent content delivery.
March 20: I’m praying Chris will have opportunities to influence others in his unit.
March 21: Again praying for Chris’ family.
March 22: Today is Friday. My thoughts and prayers are that Chris will have a slow paced day for a change.
March 23 – 27: Chris will be traveling this week and continuing his briefings. May his travels be safe and his briefings be powerful and informative.
March 28: Easter Sunday. He is risen!
March 29: I’m praying for Chris’ safe return back to his overseas post.
March 30: I heard from Chris, he made it safely back, but is now working on 2 hours sleep. May God give him strength and solid health.
April 2013
April 1: This marks the eight month since Chris’ deployment. While the road has been long, Chris would tell you that he’s honored to be on it.
April 2: Today, I’m praying for Chris to have long term clarity. Doing so much in such a short time can take a toll on strategic thinking…
April 3: I’m praying that Chris will experience some unexpected blessing today.
April 4: As Chris settles back into a routine, may God continue to give him protection, creativity and joy in his work.
April 5: Praying for unity within Chris’ marriage and immediate family.
April 6: May Chris have the opportunity to work out and stay physically fit – a vital factor in his given scenario.
April 7: Today’s prayer is that Chris would be a blessing to someone unexpected.
April 8: I’m praying that Chris would continue to find purpose and deep peace with his mission.
April 9: I continue to pray for Chris’ personal life (home, finances, family).
April 10: I’m praying that God would continue to reveal to me the most important items of prayer for Chris.
April 11: Today’s prayer is that Chris will continue to receive support from friends and family.
April 12: Praying for Chris’ children today. May they feel close to him even though they are far away.
April 13: I’m praying that Chris will continue to develop strong bonds with those around him.
April 14: I’m praying for Chris’ leadership skills. May God continue to sharpen Chris each day.
April 15: Today’s prayer is again for the local people. May they all come to know Christ.
April 16: In light of the events in Boston, I’m praying for those injured and killed. Also praying for families and law enforcement personnel. The events in Boston will certainly have an impact upon our military. May God protect and guide them.
April 17: May Chris always know and feel God’s love.
April 18: Praying for Chris’ wife. May she be blessed with encouragement and support from those around her.
April 19: I received an email from Chris today. He’s now in the last third of his deployment. His prayer request is that he and his team would finish strong. This is especially important as he’s dealing with a lot of personnel transitions.
April 20: Today, I’m just thankful my brother is who he is.
April 21: Continuing to pray for Chris’ safety and general well being.
April 22: I continue to pray for the plans God has for my brother after his transition back to the U.S.
April 23: I’m praying Chris has every resource needed to complete his mission with excellence.
April 24: Praying for Chris’ health and strength. Long deployments can deplete a person’s energy and focus.
April 25: I haven’t heard from Chris in a while. I’m praying for his continued safety.
April 26: Today’s prayer is that Chris would continue to find joy in his work.
April 27: Praying for everyone on Chris’ team. May they all be blessed with health and team-unity.
April 28: Today’s prayer is for Chris’ wife. May she remain blessed as she continues to “hold down the fort” while Chris is away.
April 29: I’m praying Chris has enough “down time” to remain healthy during this portion of his deployment.
April 30: May Chris always have clarity when it comes to priorities.
May 2013
May 1: Today, I’m praying for, and thankful for, Chris’ wife. She has been a constant source of inspiration and support for Chris during his entire career.
May 2: Praying for Chris’ spirits today. Being on long deployments (away from your family) can drain a person of their good nature and optimism.
May 3: Today’s prayer is for all of Chris’ friends that have been supportive of him during his time away from home.
May 4: I’m praying for our military leaders. May they show wisdom, courage and humbleness as they enact policy.
May 5: Today’s thoughts and prayers are with our government leaders. May they lead with dignity, honesty, courage and wisdom.
May 6: Today’s prayer is again for logistics. I’m praying God provides our military with everything it needs to thrive and succeed.
May 7: Praying that Chris would always have a few uninterrupted moments each day to spend in prayer.
May 8: I’m praying God grants immeasurable blessings upon my brother – blessings beyond his imagination.
May 9: May Chris always strive to be in God’s perfect will regardless of the personal cost.
May 10: Once again praying for Chris’ influence over the local people around his deployment area. May he serve them to the best of his ability.
May 11: I’m praying that Chris will always demonstrate a servant’s heart.
May 12: I’m praying for the extensive and profound legacy Chris will leave for his children.
May 13: Tomorrow, my brother will be involved with a media event. May he communicate clearly and directly. May he reflect positively on God, those he reports to and the military at large.
May 14: Praying God will bring peace to the area of my brother’s deployment.
May 15: I’m once again praying my brother will be a positive impact to those around him.
May 16: Major briefings this week. Chris asked for prayer regarding clarity and favor with his superiors.
May 17: Today’s prayer is that God will protect my brother from any harm or distraction from his mission.
May 18: Praying Chris will have a steady week with enough rest.
May 19: I heard from Chris today. His previous briefings went well and he gives God the praise for it all.
May 20: Chris informs me that personnel transitions continue and he’s asking for prayer regarding team strength and unity.
May 21: I still marvel out how often I’m able to communicate with Chris via email. I’m thankful to God for such frequent contact during his deployment.
May 22: Today’s prayer is that Chris will be blessed with safety and fantastic health for the remainder of his deployment.
May 23: The past week has been challenging for me and I’ve struggled with adequate prayer time. Today, I’m praying for renewed focus in that area.
May 24: Today’s prayer is for all of our military service personnel. May God protect and strengthen them for the mission ahead.
May 25: Praying for our military leaders. May they lead with integrity and honor.
May 26: I just heard from Chris. He asked me for prayer regarding additional briefings he has been tasked with.
May 27: I’m thankful for the mature consistency Chris has demonstrated over the years.
May 28: Today I’m praying for Chris’ annual evaluation. Despite my supreme confidence in Chris, I’m turning this one over to God.
May 29: I’m praying for Chris’ wife and children. May they continue to show resolve through this deployment.
May 30: Today’s prayer is that God will continue to bless Chris beyond his expectation.
May 31: Today I’m praying God will provide every provision Chris needs to lead with excellence.
June 2013
June 1: Heard from Chris and he asked for prayer regarding upcoming briefings. Done!
June 2: Chris will be traveling for the next several days. My prayer is that God will protect him and provide easy travel.
June 3: I continue to marvel at Chris’ integrity and drive. He’s honorable in every way and completely focused. Thank you God.
June 4: Today’s prayer is that Chris would have clear communications with his team.
June 5: I’m praying for the relationships Chris has with his friends. May they not grow distant during this deployment.
June 6: Today I’m praying for continued support for our military. May our country always stand behind our brave men and women.
June 7: Today I’m praying for Chris’ general health and well being. I’m praying he’s coping and even thriving during these difficult times.
June 8: Found out that Chris will be traveling again. I’m praying for his safety.
June 9: Today’s prayer is that Chris will get enough rest/sleep to remain healthy and alert.
June 10: I often pray for the “big” things in Chris’ life. Today’s prayer is for all the “little” things that are perhaps not as important, but sill important in their own right.
June 11: I’m praying Chris will continue to find enjoyment in his military mission.
June 12: Today’s prayer is that Chris will continue to expend and focus his perspective on this things most important.
June 13: Just found out that Chris’ travel went well. Thanks to God for his travel blessings upon Chris.
June 14: Chris has more important briefings today. I’m praying they go well.
June 15: Today I’m thankful for God’s preparation of Chris (over many years) for this specific season in his life.
June 16: Praying today for the rest of Chris’ career – wherever that takes him.
June 17: Today’s prayer is for logistics for our military troops.
June 18: Again praying for Chris’ family. May God continue to provide for them and watch over them.
June 19: I’m praying that Chris will finish his mission with strength and focus.
June 20: As Chris begins to transition into his next assignment, I’m praying the transition goes well for both incoming and outgoing personnel.
June 21: I’m thankful to God for the incredible career he has provided to Chris.
June 22: Today’s prayer is for Chris’ chain of command. May God bless them with wisdom and discernment.
June 23: Praying for Chris’ general safety, protection and health.
June 24: Today I’m praying Chris will have full confidence in his decisions and efforts.
June 25: I’m thankful for all things related to this deployment. God has educated, challenged and blessed my brother for the past many months.
June 26: As unrest elevates in the area of my brother’s deployment, I’m praying for renewed calmness and peace.
June 27: I’m praying Chris is able to make the most of every single day left in his deployment.
June 28: I’m praying for housing arrangements at Chris’ next assignment. Presently, housing is very tight.
June 29: Again praying for the briefings Chris must do on a regular basis.
June 30: Chris requested that I pray he will finish strong. Although I know he will, I’m praying for him regardless.
July 2013
July 1: Today’s prayer is that Chris will soon get a solid/confirmed return date so that his family can begin planning for his return.
July 2: I’m praying for protection from IEDs.
July 3: May God give our troops overwhelming strength, accuracy, determination and victory.
July 4: As our nation celebrates its independence, may we never forget the sacrifices our our incredible military men and women.
July 5: Praying for the men and women that directly serve with Chris
July 6: Praying for logistics – may Chris and his team have everything they need to succeed.
July 7: As Chris continues to make plans of transition, I’m praying things go well and that incoming personnel assume control without issue.
July 8: I’m praying Chris will remain extremely effective through his last minute in country.
July 9: Today I’m praying for the men and women Chris will serve with at his new assignment.
July 10: I’m praying God will reveal specific details about Chris’ transition and new assignment.
July 11: I continue to pray for Chris’ children. God knows their needs and I pray He watches over them.
July 12: Today I again pray that there will be peace in the area surrounding my brother.
July 13: My brother has had numerous difficult assignments (back to back). Today, I’m praying for his health. May God grant him incredible strength.
July 14: Today, I’m praising God for all the things he has done for Chris over the past 12 months. God is always faithful!
July 15: Today, I’m praying for those I work with. They have been faithfully praying for Chris for that past year. I’m extremely grateful for them.
July 16: Again I’m praying for all those who make and provide supplies for our armed forces. May they continue to provide excellence in products and services.
July 17: Today’s prayer is for the numerous briefings and meetings Chris has to complete.
July 18: Praying for transitional logistics.
July 19: As Chris’ assignment winds down, I’m praying for his replacement.
July 20: Today I’m praying for contentment within the lives of Chris’ family
July 21: May God continue to pour unexpected blessings upon my brother.
July 22: Today’s prayer is for the local government where my brother is deployed. May the government form a strong, peaceful democracy.
July 23: Again I’m praying for all things related to logistics and transitions.
July 24: More briefings for my brother today. Most have gone extremely well. May God continue to bless Chris in this area.
July 25: Praying for Chris’ children. May God continue to give them strength and resolve during their father’s absence.
July 26: Praising God for his merciful protection and incredible provisions during the past year. God is good!
July 27: Still praying for transitions and relocations.
July 28: More briefings and turnover processes to pray for.
July 29: Today I’m praying for state-side logistics.
July 30: I’m praying for our combat soldiers deployed throughout the world.
July 31: As with any large, complicated endeavor paperwork is essential. Today I’m praying for the processes behind accurate paperwork and workflow.
August 2013
August 1: I continue to pray for Chris and his desire to serve God in all that he does.
August 2: I heard from Chris today and he’s doing well and feeling very upbeat about his deployment and responsibilities. I’m thankful to God for all that he does through Chris.
August 3: As briefings continue to be an important part of daily life for Chris, I continue to pray for him in that area.
August 4: Today, I’m praying for everyone who has been faithfully praying for Chris during his deployment.
August 5: As Chris prepares to transition out of the country he’s stationed in, I’m praying for the process to go as smoothly as possible.
August 6: I’m praying for housing and other logistical requirements Chris will face as he returns to the United States
August 7: Today I’m praying for Chris’ wife and children as they begin their transition of having their dearly missed father back home.
August 8: Praying for Chris’ replacement. He has enormous shoes to fill! 🙂
August 9: Once again thanking God for all He has done through and for Chris during this deployment
August 10: Praying for Chris’ new assignment – may it be a little more laid-back than the previous year!
August 11: Praying that Chris will get to take some much needed leave (with his family) before he reports to his new assignment.
August 12: I continue to pray for the local government where Chris is stationed. They need strength, wisdom and integrity.
August 13: Once again praying for Chris’ team. They will need to adjust to life without Chris once he departs.
August 14: Today I’m praying for all those who have been praying for Chris – those I don’t even know about.
August 15: I continue to pray for Chris’ safety. May God protect him until he returns home.
August 16: As the new school year begins, I’m praying Chris’ children will get off to a great start!
August 17: Today I’m thinking about Chris’ future (both personally and professionally). May God make Chris’ path abundantly clear.
August 18: Praying that Chris remains well rested and alert for the remainder of his deployment.
August 19: Today is indeed a very blessed day! I received confirmation that Chris is back in the United States – just two days shy of a full year abroad. I’m immensely thankful to God for his faithfulness through this journey. I’m also thankful to so many people who prayed for Chris regularly. It’s hard to believe my brother is finally home! This marks the end of a year-long blogging process and represents my final entry for this post. God is unbelievably good – always!
Dave Orintas
February 16, 2016
I taught history at Immaculate High School in Danbury with Chris’ father Paul McPadden in the late 1960’s. I remember Chris as a very young boy. Paul was an excellent teacher, coach and painter. I was also a good friend of Tom Howard, a close friend of Paul’s. I was very touched when both Tom and Paul came to my father’s wake especially since I had’nt seen them for 12 years after I moved to California. Few if anyone has been that thoughtful. I’ll never forget their kindness. Good luck and God Bless you and Chris
Rocky Tyler (COL, USA, Retired)
January 21, 2013
As you’ve so aptly described, your brother is an amazing man of God. I had the tremendous privilege of working with Chris during two tours at USCENTCOM. Our prayer times together are some of my fondest memories from those stressful days, and many times just a smile and a handshake or pat on the shoulder as we passed each other in the hallways was exactly the encouragement I needed to get through the crisis du jour …
I had the privilege of praying with Chris just before his departure in August, and I asked God for special protection and special anointing on this truly remarkable military leader during this deployment. Chris is carrying a tremendous responsibility on his broad shoulders, and is helping shape our national policy even as we speak. He is absolutely the right man for this job.
Thank you so much for making your thoughts and prayers available on this blog. I’ve been praying for Chris, but haven’t corresponded with him because I know how busy he is. Today I thought of him and wondered if he’d been promoted yet, so in the process of seeking that information, I found your blog. I’m bookmarking it and will check it regularly from now on, so we will be praying “together” for a man we both respect and love dearly.
The next time you correspond with him, please let him know that Rocky is lifting him before the Lord and eagerly awaiting his safe arrival back to the States. And also give him a huge congratulations on his promotion! There’s never been a soldier who was more deserving of this promotion than Chris.
Your brother in Christ, Rocky Tyler
January 21, 2013
Hi Rocky,
What a blessing it was to receive your comments on my blog. Thank you for your service to our great country. I’m glad to hear you had the opportunity to spend time with Chris. I’m certain your prayer time with Chris meant a great deal to him. I have prayed with Chris many times and, as you know, it’s always a powerful experience!
I do believe Chris is the right person for the position he’s holding. He’s such a man of integrity. Looking back, I can see God’s hand upon Chris’ entire military career. I plan on maintaining the blog until Chris comes home to stay. Prayer seems to be the best (and perhaps only) thing I can do for him and his family. I’m encouraged and comforted knowing there are others out there (such as yourself) praying for Chris. Thank you!
I will certainly pass your comments on to Chris. I’m certain he will be surprised and thrilled to hear them.
God bless you my brother!
Rev. Joseph K Vallese
November 13, 2012
God bless you and your family and thank you for what you doing for your brother Chris. We know Linda and Chris from when they were in RI. We were good friends with the Linda’s parents Gordon and Diane. Please tell Chris that we will keep him and his family in our prayers during this time of separation from those he loves. I know being in God’s will is the safest place to be and I’m sure Chris is in the center God’s will. Please give him and Linda our warmest regards. With much gratitude and blessings, Joseph and Carolyn Vallese
November 13, 2012
Hi Joseph (and Carolyn), thank you so much for your post on my blog about Chris. I will indeed pass your warm regards to Chris and his wife. I’m certain that just hearing your name will bring a smile to his face. Chris is doing well and remains very upbeat. I believe it’s the little things, like your message on my website that make all the difference! Thanks again for sharing your thoughts. God’s blessings upon you and your family! Charles